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6 Writing Tips for Sales Teams

6 Writing Tips for Sales Teams


Here are six rules of thumb that will help you write a sales message that actually helps you move an opportunity forward. I’ve got a few examples below, too, so you can see how to turn a bad message into a better one.

1. Write like you talk.

Sales messages are meant to be spoken.  Even when somebody reads the message, you want readers to feel like you’re talking to them personally.  Therefore, whenever you write a sales message, ask yourself: “Does this sound like something I’d actually say to a real person?”  If not, your message won’t work well.

Before: “Engineers efficiently evaluate and improve their designs using our software tools. We are dedicated to building the most advanced vehicle system simulation tools.”

After: “Engines designed with our simulation software are more fuel-efficient than those that aren’t.”

2. Use common words rather than biz-blab.

Unfortunately, when most business folks sit down to write something, they turn into Dilbert’s pointy-haired boss and start writing in gibberish, stuffing sentences full of important-sounding terminology that means little or nothing. The cure is to use simple nouns and verbs that have a precise meaning.

Before: “We provide ‘one stop shopping’ for all of your HR needs. Through a single relationship, you have access to HR services for the continuum of the employment life cycle.”

After: “We help our clients with hiring, compensation, compliance, and training, so that they can spend more time running their business and less time and hassle dealing with HR details.”

3. State facts rather than promises.

Promises are only meaningful to people who already trust you, and that list probably doesn’t include prospects who aren’t yet customers.  In fact, most people view a promise from a stranger with skepticism if not outright suspicion.

It’s more effective to provide a quantitative, verifiable fact that creates credibility.

Before: “You’ll love our dedicated account managers, comprehensive inventory, reliable delivery and competitive pricing.”

After: “Our customers save as much as $100,000 a year when they purchase directly from our account managers.”

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