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9 Things About Social Media You Learned From Your P.E. Teacher

9 Things About Social Media You Learned From Your P.E. Teacher

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Teachers can affect our eternity. In fact, it’s hard to tell where the influence stops, even after all these years. Not every teacher has a profound affect, but most of us remember what it was like in P.E.  My teacher was a short, spunky lady named Mrs. Bruno.  I was a cheerleader in high school (I know, you’d never guess it) and Mrs. Bruno’s leadership took us to many championships. The best teachers teach from the heart and these lessons continue to resonate in my world today.

Here are 7 things I learned from my P.E. Teacher that influence my actions today with Social marketing. See how many resonate with you:

1. “Failure is not fatal. But failure to change might be.” Marketing in the Social era is scary.  Many dealers don’t know what to post on Facebook, or blog, or where to even start.  The best thing to do is begin and fail until you succeed.  Hire a mentor to guide you. Whatever you do, don’t do nothing.  You need to be where your customer is, and that place is Social Media.

2. “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” I hear many companies shouting, “Buy our product and Social Media will be a snap.”  Don’t believe it.  Social marketing takes hard work, commitment, talent and a budget. There are many obstacles but none that can’t be overcome. Once you’re on the right path, you’ll find your sweet spot.

3. “Enthusiasm is everything.” Social marketing succeeds because we are social animals. Sharing great information with other humans is part of our culture. How big a part does enthusiasm play in your overall business operation? Empower your staff to help create content for your Social channels. An enthusiastic team is contagious. Your customers will catch it and spread the awesome.

4. “Teachers teach more by what they are than but what they say.” The same is true for your store’s brand. It’s not enough to advertise what great prices you have or what awesome service you deliver. Others have to be saying it too. Utilize Social Media to communicate what it is about your store that makes it unique – why people buy from you.  Enlist customers and employees to tell your story.

5. “Never mind what others do. Do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you’re a success.” I see many businesses who put a lot of weight on how many Facebook fans others have and they judge themselves by that. What matters in Social is to have a highly-engaged audience who want to talk about you to their friends. Keep score on yourself. Set goals and measure your progress. That’s how you succeed in Social marketing.

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