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A Catchy Coffee Klatch

A Catchy Coffee Klatch


Did you happen to catch the Mary Thompson piece on CNBC business news on December 23 talking about the Starbucks campaign where they were using “unconventional and surprising ways to connect with consumers…” ????  Maybe it is guerrilla marketing at its best but she reported about Starbucks giving out 100 $5 gift certificates to people they saw being good Samaritans on the street.  The people would tell the driver of a vehicle that he had left his coffee on the roof. “Happy Holiday’s from Starbucks!” the good Samaritans were told, before they realized the cup had been permanently affixed.

Staged, yes.  But it got attention on the street, started a flurry of talk, was furiously blogged about, and was caught over and again by the mainstream media.

And they apparently always have folks smelling their coffee, because “positive, memorable aromas make people smile,” she reported.  She ended by saying, “Tongues are wagging inside and outside this coffee klatch.”

So, do you think these tactics help or hurt a business image?

Barbara Puffer, Puffer Public Relations Strategies

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