Communication Measurement-ROI: A survey of research, best practices and ideas
Four Steps to Demonstrating Communication ROI . CW World On-Line. by Jim Shaffer, IABC Fellow. I’ve never met a senior business leader who didn’t want to …
Angela Sinickas video on communication’s ROI
Communication ROI: how do organizations measure communication against corporate objectives? –
The tracking and measurement of any marketing program has always been difficult, time-consuming and limited at best. Metrics can be even more elusive for marketing communication, and, in many cases, measurement methods are even inadequate or misleading. -
A Business Case for Internal Communication
For organizations to thrive in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace, leaders have to learn how ...
The metric you choose communicates to your organization what’s important to you (the POWER...
When you hear any of the following terms or words, make sure you ask the person using them what ...
How’s that social media working out for you? All that conversation actually getting you an...
Creating a communications measurement plan that demonstrates substance and results doesn’t have ...
When Should We Measure Communications? Annual in depth surveys. Engagement and satisfaction surv...
Over the years, I’ve developed a strategy tool that I call measurement-based planning. It may sou...
We still need those web metrics mentioned and others to continue optimizing our websites, call-t...
The era of Big Data has arrived, and social media big data will be a huge trend this year. This ...
If employees are so connected, why is it so hard to communicate with them? Click here to downloa...
Tourism Ireland is currently ranked the third largest national tourist board on Facebook, with a...
Yahoo Answers recently asked people if they believed in Bigfoot. Bigfoot’s a hairy hulk that, leg...
Maybe all the talk about the need for more measurement and research in PR and corporate communica...
Assessing the state of communication at your company means gathering SWOT data vital to improving...
I want to share another insight from my late friend and mentor, David Berlo. He always emphasize...
Measuring the value of communication has always been important. Today, it’s become something of a...
Unless you’ve been holed up in a cave for the past few years, you’ve probably had some kind of br...
A client recently asked me if I had a tool that would help her track and collect measurement data...
When Should We Measure Communications? Annual in depth surveys. Engagement and satisfaction surve...
Over the years, I’ve developed a strategy tool that I call measurement-based planning. It may sou...