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Lessons from IBM: 4 Barriers To Social Business Adoption

Lessons from IBM: 4 Barriers To Social Business Adoption

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In the below video, IBM’s Vice President of Social Business, Sandy Carter discusses four barriers that are currently preventing companies from becoming a social business.  Sandy references a 2011 IBM Study where 2000 companies globally were asked what their top inhibitors were to adopting social within their organizations. They were:

  1. Security – the fear of intrusion; and uninvited visitors gaining access into a private community
  2. Adoption – more than just technology deployment,  but if and how employees will use the technology
  3. Culture – is the business culture ready to listen to employees, partners and customers OR are they a culture that continues to want to do things their way
  4. Compliance – regulated companies are unsure of what they can share, tweet, and blog about without violating any laws

The biggest hurdle to social business adoption is culture.

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