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Making Your Intranet a Priority in Challenging Times

Making Your Intranet a Priority in Challenging Times

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Watching the challenges facing companies in today’s challenging economy I wonder how much of a priority leadership will place on their intranet activities.

I shouldn’t have to wonder but we seem to be in an era of confusion as to what really drives productivity in the workplace.  To those of us closely linked to our user community it may seem obvious that corporations will need simple, easily adopted collaboration tools.  These tools are needed to help employees rediscover the wealth of knowledge being lost as the experienced and often high powered workers walk out the door.  Unfortunately for many corporations, the loss of intellectual property will be a high price to pay for financial crisis survival.

This could be a chance for your intranet to grow in importance if you approach the situation proactively.   Messaging is not expensive, create the content and capitalize on the demand for information about current events and organizational changes.   Take advantage of the curiosity of your users.  They are feeling lost, concerned or at the very least happy to be in the company that isn’t downsizing.  They want to read all about it.  Provide them the updates and establish yourself as the gold source.

How can you demonstrate to management the value of social media?  Build an internal wiki where your users can pose questions to the general population.  “Does anyone know why there’s a 5k cap on type 2 purchase orders?”  “Is there anyone who knows how to design a whatever?”  “I have a problem with fitting my part in the assembly, who knows the tolerance history?”  Get people to share and they will become a community focused on the future.  They will be looking for answers and empowered to move forward.  Moving forward provides a mechanism for hope that provides a small sense of control in a world of uncertainty.

Don’t ask for a project or funding to implement these changes.  You must be resourceful when times are tough.  Relook at the tools at your disposal and figure out how to make this happen.  You may not have onsite posting, web content management or a social media tool waiting in the wings but you do have other means to solicit and post questions and responses.  Perhaps you could focus on highlighting key information, critical process reminders, hints and helps.

Ask yourself where your company is?  Where your company wants or needs to be?  What is the gap?  What information can you share to bridge that gap?  How can you be a solution in times of confusion and trouble?  I suggest that you build a communications strategy and determine how to position content over time to build organizational understanding.

Change the focus of your content and watch the organizational change begin to transpire.  Be the light, integrate your intranet into the culture of your newly defined corporation.   What have you got to lose?   The priority leadership will place on your intranet is directly proportional to the impact the intranet has on the organization.  You can determine your own future if you are willing and able to post the content. Go for it.  This could be the opportunity your web team has been waiting for.  You and your intranet can make a difference.

Laurel Castiglione, Pacific Gas and Electric

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