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Seven Can’t-Live-Without Features For Your Intranet

Seven Can't-Live-Without Features For Your Intranet

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Seven Can’t-Live-Without Features For Your Intranet
Good news: your organization is heading down the path of greater efficiency and streamlined productivity through its new Intranet project, and you’re part of the team that will make it all happen!

Your first order of business is to select the perfect product – one that fits into your budget and can be deployed in this century. No small task, when you consider the sea of vendors all presenting a slightly different version of what makes an Intranet worthy of your attention; or the fact that you need to find a product that excites employees, to ensure your Intranet is widely accepted. Put these seven “Can’t Live Without It” (CLWI) features on your shopping list, and you’ll be way ahead of the game.

Read full article on TechRepublic

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