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Simple Way to Create a Communications Measurement Plan

Simple Way to Create a Communications Measurement Plan


Creating a communications measurement plan that demonstrates substance and results doesn’t have to be an arduous process. Follow this guide and you can have a plan in place today.

There was a time—not too long ago—that PR initiatives were measured largely by newspaper clippings.

PR agencies would concoct ratios of readers per clip, claiming that two-and-half or so people read the story. In reality, it was all just a guess. It was an expensive and highly misleading approach to whether a communications plan worked or failed.

chart 3 300x206 Simple Way to Create a Communications Measurement PlanChart example

Times have changed, and in today’s digital era, we have many accurate and effective ways to measure whether our communications work is making progress or needs a course correction.

By examining and balancing many data points, we can clearly see how things are going. But a measurement matrix, as I call it, starts in the initial planning stages.

What to do

Any communications or PR program must have identified objectives. Those goals are intended to favorably impact a company in order to justify the expenditure of funds and resources. So, draw up a grid.

Read full article by David Henderson – author, journalist, communications strategist via

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