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Smart SEO For Your Ecommerce Web Site

Smart SEO For Your Ecommerce Web Site


Some companies out there will charge you thousands of dollars to look after the SEO on your ecommerce website. In this article we’re going to look at some top tips and “quick wins” for ecommerce business owners in order to get websites as high up the rankings as possible with very little work.

Use lots of unique content: Don’t be tempted to use bog-standard manufacturer product descriptions. It might save time but your website won’t rank at all well.

Commission someone to write you a solid set of unique product descriptions of at least 300 words each. Unique content is the lifeblood of SEO so don’t go without it!

Use pictures: Buyers will buy with their eyes in a lot of cases – they won’t read your product description – instead they’ll look at the picture when making a decision.

Use pictures and lots of them on your website – don’t forget to fill in the alt tag section of the picture though – this helps greatly with SEO.

Pictures are great for search engines and visitors alike – throw in some other media like embedding related YouTube videos if you have time.

Fill in META info on every page: Make sure you fill in the META title and description on every single page on your website.

A crazy amount of sites out there are missing META data which means that they don’t sit as well as they should in the search engines.

Writing a short META description takes seconds – as does putting in an appropriate title. If you don’t have time to do it all, outsource it!

Read two more good ideas on dukeo

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