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The 5 Cs for Finding Happiness at Work

The 5 Cs for Finding Happiness at Work


It turns out that it’s in the best interest of organizations to ensure the happiness of employees. Happier employees are more successful in numerous domains such as motivation, longevity at a workplace, self-efficacy and health.

Fortunately, increasing happiness at the workplace isn’t a secret.

According to Pryce-Jones, happiness at work has five major components, referred to as the 5Cs:

1. Contribution: What a person does in the workplace and their view of it. This relates to a feeling of pride in our efforts to be effective and provide value. Having clear goals and achieving them can aid in this component.

2. Conviction: A person’s ability to stay motivated. This relates to how someone responds to adversity and whether they can remain positive and focused toward the mission of the corporation.

3. Culture: How well a person fits within the ethos and dynamic of the workplace. We all have different personalities and we want to consider how well we fit within the culture of our organization. Do you desire autonomy, or reliance on others? Do you enjoy change and variety, or a fixed system and processes?

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