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Buy Leads , RDP , SMTP , Cpanel
Traffic Leaders

WordPress database error: [Disk full (/tmp/#sql_11c41_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")]

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Traffic Leaders

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So, MySpace beats Yahoo for the first time in monthly traffic… does it matter?

Maybe a little. It is a good indicator that social networking is going to be VERY significant. OK, it actually is VERY significant now, but the data is now showing up to convince the doubters out there.

With all the growth in AJAX and widgets and the like, it is going to be harder to really KNOW who really gets the most traffic, but it will be clear who the top tier is. And the top tier will have social networking sites in it.

Bottom line, any content producer needs to understand that the more you can chop your material into bite-sized socially networkable chunks, the more audience you have a chance to reach.

Assuming your content is of use/interest to someone, a good challenge for all of us to try and meet.

Kelly Thul

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