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Want to be irreplaceable at work? 5 tips

Want to be irreplaceable at work? 5 tips


What does it mean to “manage up” in the workplace? It means to take initiative and build relationships. It’s pretty easy and fairly simple, but many of us struggle with it.Here’s how to help you manage up in your workplace:

1. Take initiative: Don’t wait for someone to tell you to do something—just do it. Look for ways to improve day-to-day operations, and suggest creative ideas. When you take the initiative, you increase your visibility within the company. Management will take notice.

2. Keep the boss informed: Communication is key. Make sure your boss knows everything there is to know about an assignment or project. This will help you build a solid relationship with her.

3. Leave personal opinions to yourself: Like mom always said, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Despite how you feel about your boss, you should always give your maximum effort. This is tough because you won’t always agree with her, but the solution is simple: Be professional at all times.

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