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What Are The Most Important Employee Engagement Cultural Drivers?

What Are The Most Important Employee Engagement Cultural Drivers?

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I believe employees across the globe have many work related commonalities despite cultural differences. For example, I believe that employees across the globe all want:

  • to be treated fairly and consistently
  • to be aware of and understand the company’s vision and goals
  • to make a difference
  • to be part of the solution, not the problem
  • to know what’s going on in other parts of the company and business regions
  • to learn more about other cultures
  • to be recognized

But if organizations want a truly engaged workforce, leadership, communications, human resources and managers need to understand the differences in cultural drivers.

According to Mercer’s “What’s Working” research, a global, one-size-fits-all approach to employee engagement will almost inevitably fail. Why? Mercer’s research proves that engagement drivers vary from country to country. Here are some of the facts from Mercer’s research.

– Britains and Americans are driven by respect.
– It’s the type of work they are doing for those in France and India.
– For Germans, it’s who they work with.
– Japanese are driven by pay.
– In China, benefits is a top driver.

Learn more about what engages employees across the globe or within your organization. Read the Mercer “What’s Working” report.  Share your experiences with a comment so we all can learn more.


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