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What Are Your Top Five Tools To Use To Stay Informed And Organized?

What Are Your Top Five Tools To Use To Stay Informed And Organized?

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I look forward to sharing ideas with the audience of this blog and appreciate Communitelligence for creating this opportunity for us to discuss a subject matter near and dear to my heart.  Technology continues to change at an amazing rate, and we are all doomed/blessed to be in a state of continual learning for the foreseeable future.
One of the biggest challenges we face is finding effective ways to keep up to speed on what going on with technology and how to organize (and hopefully use) what we learn.   I thought I would make my first post about this challenge.   Specifically, what are the top five tools you use to be informed and organized?  I’ll be sharing my top 5 over the next few postings (in no particular order).  Here is my first offering:
I am growing into a major fan.  The site allows me to save, tag, and share bookmarks from both my home and work computers.  The social networking opportunities for this tool are profound – you can tap into the thinking of others and what they feel is “bookmark-worthy” – but I have not even scratched that surface yet.   My use is far more selfish.  I finally found a place where I can save my bookmarks, categorize them, and actual use them far more than the scrolling nightmare that I have inflicted on my browser’s tool bar.
So, this one makes my top 5 for sure.  Your thoughts? 

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