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What is the internal culture like at Amazon?

What is the internal culture like at Amazon?

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Based on interactions with recruiters, friends who have worked there, and Amazon employees in the working world, a couple of things stand out, and I’ll contrast with eBay where I worked:

  • It’s a very customer driven company; everything they do is with the goal of improving the experience for the customer (we were more revenue focused in the short term).
  • It’s an anti-PowerPoint culture—all of their products are ideated and communicated through written stories/long memos. I recall their recruiters saying every product starts with you writing the press release for the final product, because if you can’t articulate that well, then the user won’t be able to understand it either.
  • It’s a very innovative culture, where people are encouraged to do things differently from how others are doing things—note this is different from Facebook (move fast and break things) or Google (most elegant, scalable way of doing something)—in that different may not fit either of these criteria, but if it’s better for the customer, it’s okay.
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