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The Crucial Secret to Surviving Crisis – James Lukaszewski

The Crucial Secret to Surviving Crisis - James Lukaszewski


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This webinar by James E. Lukaszewski, one of America’s most thoughtful and visible crisis advisors, will take participants through a high level strategic discussion of the crucial elements of crisis readiness. Lukaszewski defines a crisis as, “a people-stopping, show-stopping, product-stopping, reputation-redefining and trust-busting event that creates victims and/or explosive visibility.”

Jay Heinrichs, Communitelligence Webinar LeaderWhile his initial response strategy discussion will focus around his five crucial steps to take during the golden hour of crisis, he’ll also talk extensively about readiness and avoiding the most predictable gaffs and problems that can torpedo even a well-designed and practiced response process.

Lukaszewski will talk about the readiness process, what leaders should be doing when crises occur, as well as how to prevent crisis; the crucial missing ingredients of most crisis plans; victim management; response triggers; what you do first; the ideal grand response strategy; how to forecast your greatest vulnerabilities; and how managers can recover their leadership and the organization’s reputation as they respond appropriately during these powerful events.

Crisis situations present extraordinary threats to organization leadership and reputation. Much crisis readiness activity is geared toward managing the explosive media coverage that often occurs when crises erupt.

What you will learn:

  • The five crucial steps to take during the golden hour after crisis erupts
  • The seven crucial tests any readiness plan must pass to effectively manage crisis and recover your reputation
  • The seven crisis response failure profiles and how to avoid them
  • The four crucial things leaders need to do when crisis occurs
  • The seven mistakes and gaffs leaders need to avoid
  • A perfect response communicated poorly will always be remembered as a poor response

James E. Lukaszewski is the author of a dozen books and manuals on crisis management, being a trusted advisor, and overcoming various crisis situations. He’s a member of the Crisis Management and Business Continuation Council (CMBCC) of ASIS, and has served on several ASIS standard setting task forces, including Workplace Violence. Corporate Legal Times described Jim as, “one of 28 crisis experts who should be on your speed dial when all hell breaks loose.” PR Week describes him as, “one of 24 crunch-time counselors who needs to be at your fingertips when crises occur.” In 2013, Trust Across America listed him as one of the “Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior.” Jim’s clients will tell you that his strategy of doing things quickly, that are simple, sensible, constructive and positive is a powerful formula for success and reputation protection.

His latest book, Lukaszewski on Crisis CommunicationWhat Your CEO Needs to Know About Reputation Risk and Crisis Management, released in March 2013, is now available at You can follow James on Twitter and read hisCrisis Guru blog.


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