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Getting to the Heart of Employee Engagement

Getting to the Heart of Employee Engagement


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Organizations have been trying to crack the code on employee engagement for at least 30 years, with pretty dismal results. Gallup’s October 2011 Employee Engagement Index reported only 29 percent of employees are actively engaged in their jobs, 52 percent are not engaged and 19 percent are actively disengaged.

Could these results be because we’ve been so focused on the how-to of employee engagement (tools and best practices) that we’ve glossed over the whys of basic human motivation and performance in the workplace?

This webinar is based on the principles and practices from the recently published business fable, Getting to the Heart of Employee Engagement, by author Les Landes. The book starts with the somewhat provocative premise that employee engagement is powered mainly by the uniquely human qualities of imagination and free will – and how the two are inseparably connected.

According to Landes, when you combine imagination and free will with other key ingredients – security, self-esteem, responsibility and accountability – you create a virtual “human rocket” that propels and guides employees to extraordinary performance.

Building on that theoretical framework, Landes will offer a number of practical ideas you can use in your organization for policies, systems and processes to create the kind of culture where employees love to work and customers love doing business.

Bonus feature: The Q&A conversation at the end will be started by two internal employee engagement experts: Jim Shaffer, Jim Shaffer Group, consultant, author and speaker; and Roger D’Aprix, RPO Communications, consultant, lecturer and author.

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What You Will Learn:

  • The power of trust … What it takes and how to get it.
  • Play, work and hell … Why you should STOP trying to motivate “your people.”
  • Double-talk, distortions, and disconnects … How to keep employees tuned in and turned on using the principles of “Real-Life, Real-Time Communication.”
  • The problem with employee suggestion programs … Why most of them get such dismal participation, and how to create a system that produces dramatic results.
  • Getting to the heart of company culture … Why it’s critical to know where your culture is now before you start beating a path to where you want to be in the future.
  • Faking sincerity … Why transparency and truth are increasingly critical in today’s workplace.
  • The program trap … Why many corporate initiatives seem so phony to employees, and what it takes to make them “real.” 

Presented by:

les120Les Landes is President of Landes & Associates, a management consulting firm that provides services in team/organizational planning, marketing and public/media relations, organizational communication, employee engagement, performance improvement systems and, executive coaching, and meeting facilitation. The firm serves clients in various industries, as well as government and non-profit organizations.

He is the author of numerous published articles on topics related to communication and organizational performance. His articles and interviews have appeared in several publications, including Communication World, The Public Relations Strategist, Executive Speeches, Training, Total Quality Newsletter, Quality Progress, Strategy and Leadership, Journal for Quality and Participation and more. He also writes a regular e-column called Inside Out that focuses on aligning employee engagement with marketing communication.

His new book, Getting to the Heart of Employee Engagement, opens the door to a fresh understanding and appreciation for human nature in the workplace, and it sets the stage for a breakthrough in optimizing employee performance. This unique business fable shows how tapping into the power and purpose of imagination and free can create the type of organization where employees love to work and customers love doing business.

Who Should Attend

This webinar is primarily aimed at professionals involved in helping their organizations improve employee engagement, including:

  • Internal communications
  • Public relations
  • Human resources
  • Executive communications
  • Public affairs
  • Investor relations
  • Senior management 

“I liked the advice to avoid ‘flavour of the day’ by not naming a campaign or program and instead making it part of our everyday way of doing things.”

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