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Hacking Corporate Communications: Building New Best Practices Before Our Workforce Does It For Us

Hacking Corporate Communications: Building New Best Practices Before Our Workforce Does It For Us


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For more than two decades, through his ongoing study, The Search for a Simpler Way, Bill Jensen has been researching how our managers and workforce communicate with each other.

In the past few years, something critical has happened: They have hacked our capabilities.
They can do what we do. Often, better than we can. How do we leverage that, instead
of fighting it? How can we learn from them?

Two-way communication means listening to what the workforce has to tell us. If you are
interested in learning from them, this is the most crucial webinar you will attend all year!

What You Will Learn:

  • What benevolent hacking is, and how we are being hacked
  • How companies waste massive amounts of time and energy…
    and how we are complicit in this act
  • The top three things you should be doing to save your
    organization from itself
  • Practical tips for getting started, and getting praise from above

Who Should Attend

This webinar ideal for communicators with: 

  • VPs, Directors and managers of internal communications, social media, marketing,
    corporate communications, public relations, and branding
  • Anyone responsible for integrating external communications — marketing, sales, customer service, branding, etc. — with internal change efforts

Presented by:

bill_jensen120Bill Jensen is today’s foremost expert on work complexity and cutting through clutter to what really matters. He has spent the past two decades studying how work gets done. (Much of what he’s found horrifies him.) Known as Mr. Simplicity for his first book, Bill has written five best-selling books based on his research. His latest, Hacking Work, was hailed as one of 2010’s Top Ten Breakthrough Ideas by Harvard Business Review. It reveals an underground army of benevolent hackers — breaking all sorts of rules so everyone can do great work. Bill is CEO of The Jensen Group: his list of clients includes the top companies in the world and he is constantly on the road, speaking in places from tech-shops in San Fran to sweatshops in Asia to palaces in Europe. Most importantly: Bill’s personal life fantasy is to bicycle around the globe via breweries.

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