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How to empower your employees to be social brand ambassadors

How to empower your employees to be social brand ambassadors


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When it comes to humanizing your brand in social media, nobody can do it better than your employees. The 2010 Edelman Trust Barometer found “conversations with employees” remain one of the most credible sources of information about a company – ahead of news coverage, online search, or ads.

Pepsico is one company that has done the social media math. On Facebook alone, average users have 130 friends. Multiply that times Pepsico’s 300,000 employees and you have potentially millions of trusted conversations.

With that vision, Sharon McIntosh, senior director of global internal communications at PepsiCo, set out last year on a methodical process to empower employees to share their pride in the company on their social networks. In the process, the PepsiCo intranet has become a key platform for delivering and tagging the content that gets shared outside.

In this unique webinar, Sharon will share her journey to empower employees to be social media brand ambassadors. It has taken a balanced combination of tools, trust. Every company needs to figure this out – get a head start by attending this important webinar with your team.

What You Will Learn:

  • Where you should start; who needs to be onboard
  • How do you sell a social ambassador program to management, and employees
  • How do you create a voluntary, online training program to educate employees on engaging in conversations that are authentic, responsible and interesting.
  • How do you decide on the right content for employees to share – and a seamless process to make sharing easy
  • How to make sure your social media policy doesn’t scare employees away
  • What about incentives? 

Presented by:

sharonm60Sharon McIntosh is senior director of Global Internal Communications for PepsiCo, overseeing the internal strategy and channels for the company’s nearly 300,000 associates.  She previously worked in internal communications, corporate communications, marketing and media relations at a range of companies, including Sears, Waste Management and the Illinois Hospital Association. Connect with Sharon on Twitter: @mcintoshs.

Who Should Attend

  • Social media is a team sport. Business professionals from all of these departments have a key role to play and should attend this webinar, preferably as a group: internal communications, HR ,marketing, corporate communications, public relations, customer service, legal and media relations.

“Excellent information … Great job Sharon!!”

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