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How to Rewrite Your Crisis Communication Plan For The New Social Media Reality

How to Rewrite Your Crisis Communication Plan For The New Social Media Reality


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Social Media is replacing the 24 hour news cycle with the 140 character (Twitter) news cycle. Every crisis communications plan is now riddled with fatal flaws and due for a major rewrite.

 While most organizations struggle with predicaments, panic and decision paralysis, you need a plan that lets you perform under increasing time pressures.Attend this webinar and get your crisis communication up to social media speed.Special Guest: Andrea Rasizer representing Arapahoe County Colorado. During the 2008 presidential election one western county was singled out by experts to be the next Dade County Florida, with expectations that their election system may be the next hanging chad and that their spokesperson could be the next Catherine Harris. Andrea Rasizer will discuss how they used social media to avert a crisis and become a non-news story.
What You Will Learn:
  • Secrets to speed in crisis communications
  • Fatal flaws in most crisis communications plans
  • Implications of Social Media, friend and foe
  • Communications conundrums of Social Media

Braud flood_0471bGerard Braud (Jared Bro) has pioneered new ways to speed you through both crisis communications and the process of writing a crisis communications plan. Since 1994, Gerard has practiced his craft on four continents as an expert in crisis communications and media training. Prior to 1994, Gerard spend 15 years as an award winning frontline journalist with report seen around the world on NBC, CBS, CNN and the BBC.

Who Should Purchase 

  • Individuals responsible for corporate communications, public relations, corporate affairs, human resources, employee communications, media relations, and issues management.


  • “It has been awhile since I’ve left a seminar (webinar, teleseminar, in-person, etc.) feeling, ‘Wow, I’m walking away with some new nuggets of insight I can put in place to help me up my game – and impact my clients in a positive way.’ So kudos to Gerard Braud for a great teleseminar on ‘Writing Your Crisis Comm Plan for the New Social Media Reality‘ and bringing to bear new ways of tackling an age-old bastion of public relations – the Crisis Communication Plan.” Jessica Flynn, Principal, Red Sky Public Relations in PR Musings Weblog.
  • “Timely information, clear presentation, nice slides.”
  • We want to pilot the use of social media in our crisis planning process and this was good information to have.” 

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