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How to Use Gamification to Drive Employee Behavior

How to Use Gamification to Drive Employee Behavior


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What’s the bottom line on gamification, that strange new word creeping into business conversations? Cha-ching … plenty. 

Companies on the front of this new wave of social are seeing unprecedented engagement and stronger business outcomes in areas such as employee communications, HR benefits, training, sales, health and wellness and call centers.  According to Gartner, more than 70% of Global 2000 organizations will have at least one gamified application by 2014, and more  than 50% of organizations that manage innovation processes will gamify those processes by 2015.

In this special webinar, three experienced gamification pros will describe why, where and how game mechanics works in the workplace, and how to play some serious games in your organization. 

They will present gaming case studies from organizations such as Michelin, Yahoo! and Fugifilm, and offer practical advice on helping your organization exploit the competitive advantages of blending work and games. Join us for an educational and fun and session.

What You Will Learn:

  • Why gamification works (psychology)
  • Where game mechanics are being used in the workplace 
  • How different game types resonate with different employee segments
  • What processes can be gamified?
  • Best practices and examples
  • How to get some gamification started in your organization 

Presented by:

omar-divina150Omar Divina is responsible for leading Badgeville’s sales and business development efforts out of our New York office. Over the course of his 15-plus-year career,Omar has held a variety of senior positions in sales, business development and operations, with the past four years focused on growing SaaS companies. Prior to joining Badgeville, Omar was at enterprise social collaboration leader Socialtext, where he established critical footholds in media/entertainment, publishing, advertising, financial and professional services sectors, among others. As vice president of client services for SunGard Trading Systems/BRASS, he managed a team responsible for driving the adoption and increased usage of high-speed trade order management and execution platforms. Omar has a B.A. in philosophy from Yale University and lives in Brooklyn, NY.

rajiv_kumar_square150In medical school, Rajiv Kumar M.D. realized that many of the worst health problems we face as a nation–diabetes, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, osteoarthritis, depression–are related to our collective unhealthy lifestyle. He also learned through his clinical encounters that the patients who succeeded in adopting and sustaining healthy behaviors were those who leveraged their trusted social network for support, motivation, and accountability. By launching a community non-profit organization (Shape Up Rhode Island) and a for-profit company (ShapeUp), Kumar has dedicated his life to helping people reverse and prevent obesity-related illnesses through group behavior change models. Gamification is playing an important role in ShapeUp’s goal is to build the largest online social application that connects people around the world to improve their health.

VladGyster_HEngage_headshot150Vlad Gyster is the Cofounder and CEO of H Engage, a SaaS platform that uses social, gaming, and mobile technologies to make HR programs more engaging and measurable. Vlad has spent his career introducing concepts from the consumer world to HR. Prior to starting H Engage, Vlad spent five years with Towers Watson where he cofounded and led the social media practice, helped Fortune 1000 companies such as 3M and American Express adopt emerging technologies, and partnered with MasterCard to develop prepaid products related to wellness and health care reform.

Who Should Attend:

  •  This webinar is specially geared for internal communicators, PR, marketing, HR, learning and development, innovation, and customer service professionals.

Attendee testimonial: “I liked that the three presenters gave overviews of their produces and how they were being applied (case studies). That’s a good way to go from the conceptual to the practical with a relatively uninformed audience… like me.”

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