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Ignite Your Website: Revisiting Your Content Strategy

Ignite Your Website: Revisiting Your Content Strategy


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Twitter, Facebook, blogs, wikis. A lot has changed on the web in recent years. So isn’t it time you revisited your organizations’ web site content strategy? An obsolete strategy can confound your audience and keep them away in droves. A successful content strategy, however, can be the spark that ignites your web site and helps you plan for and create compelling web content that rings true with your brand, aligns with your marketing plan, and keeps your target audience coming back for more. No small trick in a 140-character world.

What You Will Learn:

  • Reasons why you need a web site content strategy
  • Benefits of having a web content strategy that integrates with your marketing plan
  • Key questions to ask to develop a successful web content strategy
  • How to write web copy that is customer-centric, not sender-centric
  • Top ten tips for writing concise and easy-to-scan web copy
  • Tips for organizing content on a web page 

Other Questions: 

  • What is a web content strategy and why do you need one?
  • What process should you use to develop a web content strategy?
  • How can you get customers and prospects to read your web copy?
  • How can you determine if web content is good or bad?
  • If your web content sucks, what’s the best way to fix it?
  • How should you organize content on a web page?

Presented by:

CPE_Instructors_Photos_027_Crop_Fix3-120Barbara K. Mednick is an experienced and award-winning marketing communications and PR strategist, copywriter and trainer with more than 25 years of broad communications expertise. As president of BKM Consulting, Inc. in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., she provides strategic marketing communications/PR consulting and planning, copywriting and training to a variety of clients including businesses, universities and nonprofit organizations. Prior to launching BKM Consulting in 1999, she held senior account management positions at several top Twin Cities PR and advertising agencies. During her career, she has garnered a number of industry awards for successful PR and marketing campaigns conducted for clients.  She is a member of Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association (MIMA) and an active member of the Minnesota Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)  – serving on the board of directors three times. She also serves on the board of directors for Minnesota Computers for Schools and the Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board. Barbara publishes a monthly e-newsletter for clients and colleagues along with a blog (, which focus on the intersection of marketing communications, public relations and social media marketing. Read Barbara’s complete bio.

RatRace_120Lisa Graham-Peterson, MA, ABC, is marketing communications director at CHS Inc., a Fortune 100 company and the largest farmer-owned agricultural cooperative in the U.S. Lisa integrates offline and online strategic programs to support the CHS brand and mission as a diverse grains, energy and foods company.  Lisa is an accredited business communicator and active with a number of professional and community organizations. She has been a guest lecturer on integrated communications topics at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, as well as St. Catherine University and Metropolitan State University, both in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area.  

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