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Intranet Insider Tour: Intel

Intranet Insider Tour: Intel


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Intel has been dabbling internally with web 2.0 since 2004. Last year was spent deploying the first phases of a multi-phased approach to take the momentum and learning from the grass root efforts, and drive a globally deployed framework for social computing inside Intel.  It is no small task, says Laurie Buczek, who is leading the team leveraging social media.  “Not only do we have to evaluate and deploy solutions, but we also have to address Governance, Security Concerns, provide quantifiable ROI, capture use cases, and tackle transition change management one person and one team at a time.”  This session will be a show and tell of an intranet that is making the transition from old-style to social, with lessons learned along the way. 

Presented by:

laurie_buczek120Laurie Buczek is a Social Media Strategist within Intel Corporation’s Digital Marketing organization.  Prior to joining Digital Marketing, Laurie spent over two years as the Social Computing Program Manager where she was responsible for the major enterprise wide strategy & implementation of social computing for employees to connect & collaborate internally. Laurie began her social media journey three years ago while blazing a new trail for online marketing efforts by helping to launch & manage the first external social media community for Intel.  Laurie’s work has been published and showcased across the industry.  She is also a member of the 2.0 Adoption Council and Social Media Business Council. In addition to the experience within the social media space, Laurie has almost 18 years in high technology working in marketing, consulting and sales. In her life before Intel, Laurie worked for Forrester Research and Gateway, Inc.

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