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Leading the digital workplace revolution: an Intranet Insider’s Tour of IBM’s w3

Leading the digital workplace revolution: an Intranet Insider's Tour of IBM's w3


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Communitelligence has a special affection for IBM’s world-renowned intranet, w3. We produced two Intranet Insider World Tours of w3 in 2006 and 2008 (still available). And so it was high time to revisit this amazing intranet that in 2011 received 252 million visits and 978 million views by roughly .5 million IBMers. And oh, how they use it, with 75,000 communities, 53,000 wikis and 21,000 blogs. 

IBM’s w3 is now“social” on steriods. The long list of social tools now powering employee engagement, collaboration and innovation include:

  • IBM Connections: Social software for business that includes blogs, wikis,
    profiles, communities, bookmarks, files, and activity management
  • SocialBlue, a purely social internal network
  • Blue Pages, IBM’s employee directory with rich profiles
  • BlogCentral, employee blogs
  • Bluepedia, an online wiki that serves as a user-driven encyclopedia about IBM
  • Jams, a platform for huge, tactically-focused online discussions
  • TAP, a space for employees to test, share and promote innovative technologies
  • The On Demand Community, a collaborative community based on IBM’s corporate citizenship program
  • Expertise Locator, a service enabling real-time, contextual connection between IBMers. 

But even more remarkable than the social business tools themselves is the way w3 has been continuously and organically improved by the good ideas of rank-and-file employees. That takes an open leadership and governance process that earns strong support by senior management.

If you want a glimpse of this amazing digital workplace, with practical takeaways for any intranet team, register for this exclusive, expert-guided tour. And invite your team to join you.

What You Will Learn:

  • How and why the w3 intranet content strategy evolved from top down to employee-generated – and the valuable payoffs
  • How to use social listening and analytics to drive requirements and enhancements
  • How to use a wiki to write your company’s blogging and social media policies
  • Why a culture of trust is crucial to a social intranet – and how to nurture it
  • How to make sure top management “walks the talk” and models good digital workplace practices
  • How to create a social business certification program for employees

Presented by:

Kieran Cannistra, Digital Content Strategist at IBM

KieranKieran coordinates publication of news content on w3 (IBM’s Intranet home page), drives use of our primary publishing tool for this space (ECM) and drives the overall content strategy for w3. Kieran began her career within IBM as an instructional designer, working within the IBM Knowledge Factory. In 2008, she moved to CHQ and began writing and editing news for the home page, covering the CIO and Innovation & Technology beats. She took over the role of senior digital content strategist for the home page news portlet in 2011, and can honestly say she has the best job on the face of our planet.

PeterPeter J. Ceplenski, Manager, User Experience Design, IBM

Peter manages a multi-disciplinary user experience team tasked with  managing the IBM Digital Design System and intranet and internet web  properties. Peter began his career within IBM as an interaction designer and user research specialist working in a User-Centered Design consulting  practice whose main mission was to support intranet solutions. He  moved into the CIO’s office in 2004 and began managing the intranet user experience team.  In 2011 he took on responsibility for both the intranet  and internet user experience teams and together they redesigned and merged the internet and intranet design systems in support of IBM’s  Centennial.

Who Should Purchase

This practical, information-packed learning opportunity is ideal for managers and professionals in internal communications, IT, HR, PR, content, web management, and anyone responsible for creating an enterprise 2.0 social intranet to encourage employee collaboration and innovation.

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