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Measuring Social Media: How to Pull the Rabbit Out of the Hat

Measuring Social Media: How to Pull the Rabbit Out of the Hat


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Businesses are rightfully demanding metrics and ROI from social media marketing. How can you pull that rabbit out of the hat?

Sally Falkow APR, is the co-developer of PRESSfeed, the social media newsroom.  A veteran of the PR industry, Sally has translated her extensive experience in marketing, PR and communication to the Internet and her blog, Proactive Report, is a resource for PR professionals who want to learn about digital PR and social media. Her book, Mastering Social Media Strategy: a handbook for PR professionals will be available in May 2011. She is an adjunct professor at the Annenberg School for Communication  and Journalism at USC lecturing in  Social Media Strategy, Content and Tools. Sally is also a Sr. Fellow with the Society for New Communication Research, a new media research think tank based in Palo Alto, CA.

tonyadam120Tony Adam  is currently Director of Online Marketing at MySpace where he heads up all aspects of SEO, Social Media, and Viral Marketing. He is also the Founder and Principal of Visible Factors, an online marketing agency, a Startup Advisor, and Internet Entrepreneur. He speaks at many of the top online marketing conferences and writes a column at Search Engine Land about InHouse SEO.

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