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Rethinking Email: Helping you and your organization outsmart the inbox

Rethinking Email: Helping you and your organization outsmart the inbox


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Email is now so embedded into our daily lives that we think nothing of it. We need to, however, because the Internet’s original “killer app” is starting to kill employee productivity and focus. Consider these findings:

  • The average business executive spends two hours a day on e-mail
  • 70% of employees react to emails within 6 seconds of them arriving
  • The number of e-mail messages sent is rising dramatically — by some estimates, by more than 20% a year
  • Almost one in five emails was copied unnecessarily to staff members other than the main recipient
  • The use – and, particularly, the misuse – of email costs businesses up to $16,000 per employee per year

This webinar is aimed at arming attendees with the insight and ideas to help them get a lot smarter about using email, for themselves and their organizations. Don’t miss this rare chance to learn the latest thinking and best practices from two of the foremost global experts on this topic.

What you will learn:

  • The state of workplace email today, and why communication professionals need to get activated in the battle
  • Why this problem is so hard to solve, and what you must do to overcome the hurdles
  • How to develop a centralized strategy to minimize internal communication emails
  • How to launch an effective email etiquette program that will make everyone in your organization happier about their inbox.
  • Tools, tips and tricks to outsmart your inbox

“I learned that the biggest levers we can pull to change our email situation are behavior based, not technology based.”

“I didn’t realize how much research exists on this topic.”

Who should attend

Anyone who would like to learn how to better conquer their daily email war, and help their organization feel less pain and angst from their inbox. This webinar is especially suitable for professionals in the areas of internal communications, marketing and public relations.

Presented by:

GrossmanD120x130David Grossman, ABC, APR, Fellow PRSA, is both a teacher and student of effective communication. He is one of America’s foremost authorities on communication and leadership inside organizations. A much sought-after consultant and speaker, David is often quoted in media, providing expert commentary and analysis on employee and leadership issues. Most recently, he was featured on “NBC Nightly News” about e-mail overload, and in the Chicago Tribune. David is Founder and CEO of The Grossman Group, an award-winning Chicago-based communications consultancy focused on organizational consulting, strategic leadership development and internal communications. His most recent books are You Can’t NOT Communicate: Proven Solutions That Power the Fortune 100, (now in its second edition), and its follow up You Can’t NOT Communicate 2: More Proven Solutions That Power the Fortune 100.

Nathan-Zeldes120Nathan Zeldes is an independent organizational consultant, a role he has adopted in 2009 after a 26 year career at Intel corporation. A physicist morphed into an organizational change agent, Nathan is recognized as a global thought leader in the search for improved knowledge worker productivity. Having enjoyed a long career as a manager and principal IT engineer at Intel, he now helps organizations to solve core problems at the intersection of technology and human behavior. His experience includes initiating and leading optimal corporate technology adoptions in the domains of Information Technology, Internet applications, Innovation Management, Remote and Distributed work, and Knowledge Management. A key component in Nathan’s work is mitigating the problem of email and information overload which is harming the productivity and quality of life of Knowledge Workers everywhere. He had identified the problem 17 years ago, and since then he’s developed and deployed original solutions at Intel and other companies, and has founded the Information Overload Research Group to further its study. He is also active at present in the areas of Social Media adoption, Technical Leadership development, and the multi-generational workplace of the future. Nathan’s blog is Challenge Information Overload.

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