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Ethan McCarty

Ethan McCarty


Ethan McCarty is part of the team leading IBM’s internal communications practice and alumni relations team into the world of Web 2.0 and participatory communications. A former journalist, Ethan came to IBM in 2000 on the heels of the dotcom bust to manage the internal and external web presence for IBM’s $5 billion/year research division. After two years in that role, he moved to IBM’s strategic communications team where he helped to co-author IBM’s groundbreaking blogging policy, contributed to the launch and popularization of the IBM intranet podcasting platform and worked on IBM’s award winning annual report to shareholders. For the past two years he has served as the Editor in Chief of IBM’s global intranet, also known as the w3 On Demand Workplace. Recently he began managing IBM’s alumni relations effort, The Greater IBM Connection. He finds fascinating the implications of user generated content, social computing and new methods of information discovery for large organizations and the role of the individual in society. Ethan enjoys playing guitar and writing songs in his spare time.

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