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John Gerstner – CEO, Communitelligence

John Gerstner - CEO, Communitelligence


John Gerstner ABC*, President of Communitelligence, Inc., has career experience as a writer, photo-journalist, magazine editor, graphic designer, internal communications expert, Internet/intranet strategist, video producer, radio announcer, book author and consultant.

John spent much of his career in corporate communications with John Deere where he launched and built a global internal communications program.  This was followed by diverse assignments including leading the launches of the Deere web site and intranet, authoring the coffee-table book, Genuine Value: The John Deere Journey and managing Deere’s corporate environmental & safety communications.

John served two terms on the Executive Board of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), and was 2000-2001 Chair of the IABC Research Foundation.  He is a current Board Member of CCM (Council of Communication Management). He is a frequent conference speaker and has received more than 50 communication awards, including 17 IABC Gold Quills.  In 1992, he received the IABC U.S. District 4 Director’s Award.  In 1994 he was named IABC/Iowa Communicator of the Year.

John holds two MA degrees from the University of Iowa, one in Journalism & Mass Communication earned in 1984, and one in Video Art & Multimedia.  His undergraduate degree is in journalism from KansasStateUniversity.  He can be reached at or by phone at (904) 588-2366.

*ABC is the Accredited Business Communicator designation of the International Association of Business Communicators

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