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Toby Ward, Prescient Digital Media

Toby Ward, Prescient Digital Media


Toby Ward  is a senior e-business consultant with particular expertise in the area of intranet planning and communications. A specialist in site evaluation and strategic planning, Toby has worked with many different organizations, spanning many different industries, including Amgen, Boston Scientific, Atomic Energy of Canada, Bell Canada, the Federal Reserve Bank, Gartner, Manulife Financial, Maritime Life, Mastercard, Government of Ontario, Royal Bank, Sprint PCS, and others. A broadcast journalist turned consultant, Toby founded and launched Prescient Digital Media in 2001.

A recognized North American expert on effective web planning, communication, benchmarking and best practice measurement (ROI), Toby is the author of Finding ROI, a leading study conducted on intranet Return on Investment that included participants such as KPMG, Scotiabank, Volvo, Shell, Royal Bank, New York Life, HP and others. Leading companies such as the New York Times, Intel, PBS, the Bank of Canada and many others have bought his white paper that has been read by thousands.

Toby is a regular writer for, Darwin Magazine and others and is a popular speaker across North America at conferences by the Conference Board, IQPC, IABC, Ragan, and others.

He has led Prescient Digital Media and clients to win 15 awards in the past two years including the 2004 Webby Award for Best Government + Law Website on the Internet (for

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