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Welcome to Our New Home With the Same View

Welcome to Our New Home With the Same View

magic book with a landscapeWe still have some boxes in the virtual garage, but after 10 years with essentially the same design and software platform, we’ve built a new home for Communitelligence. Welcome and make yourselves at home.

Here’s the two-cent tour:

Learning Store is a big advance from the Store on the previous Communitelligence site. Here you can purchase registrations to upcoming live webinars and replays to past webinars and conference sessions, either individually or by topic groups. The Communication Leadership Membership, for example, gives you instant access to 25 replays on leadership topics for a year. The ASK Learning Network membership gets you access to every learning replay on the site for a year (best value).

Braintrust is the new room where you can find hundreds of great articles that were scattered in multiple places on the old site. You can easily search and find articles by category, key word or author. These are the best of the best articles that we have published on all corporate communication, marketing and PR topics. Dig in and enjoy. Who needs Google?

Inner Circle pays homage to the more than 100 premier experts who have contributed to the content and growth of Communitelligence over the past 10 years. These are the folks who have authored the articles and presented the learning events that can be found on the site. If you would like to engage any Inner Circle member to help you with a project, contact us and we’ll put you in touch. If you would like to join the Inner Circle by presenting a Communitelligence webinar or be a guest blogger, contact us.

Q&A is a brand new feature that allows members to post communication, marketing and PR questions and answers. You can also vote up or down content. We expect Q&A over time to demonstrate our site slogan: “All of us are smarter than one of us.” Please check in and answer questions you know the answer to, and post your question for others to answer.

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Our goal (view) at Communitelligence remains the same … to help improve organizational and human communication by giving business communication, PR and marketing professionals instant access to the most current practical advice. And creating channels and networks to allow “all of us to be smarter than one of us.”

We’ll be unpacking for awhile, so if you spot anything you’d like us to move, change or add,  give us your feedback.

Welcome and thanks for participating!


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